Fluvial Archives Group (FLAG) Meeting 2012
September 2 - 7, 2012
General information
The next FLAG biennial meeting will take place from the 2nd to the 7th September 2012, in Remich (Luxembourg). This small but picturesque city is located on the left bank of the Moselle River (Mosel in German), which forms the border with Germany, and 10 km North of the famous village of Schengen. An ice-breaking party will be organized in the evening of September, 2nd in Remich, where accommodation will also be organized. The two-days meeting (3rd-4th) will take place in the same city, at the Institut Viti-Vinicole (Wine Institute). We intend to propose oral and poster presentations dealing with any of the topics covered by the FLAG, such as: fluvial response to internal or external forcings, human-rivers relationships during the Pleistocene and the Holocene, methodological advances in fluvial geochronology, sediment budget, modelling etc. Contributions dealing either with European or with non-European rivers are welcome.
The following three days excursions (5th to 7th) will then provide the opportunity to explore the Moselle catchment in Luxembourg but also in neighboring France and Germany. The first day will lead us from Luxembourg (relationships between slope and river dynamics, fluvial geoarchaeology) to France, where we will visit the site of the Upper Moselle capture already studied by Davis at the end of the 19th century. The relationships between fluvial evolution and karstic landforms will in particular be exposed. After a night in the famous French city of Nancy, the second day will be devoted to the Sarre valley. The Sarre River (Saar in German) is a major right-bank tributary of the Moselle, which exposes various landforms and terrace deposits in beautiful vineyard landscapes. We plan to stay overnight near Trier, which is the oldest city of Germany, founded during the last century BC. During the third day we will visit the touristic German Moselle valley downstream from Trier, to focus on the long-term fluvial response to tectonic forcing and to climate change. The excursion will finish in Luxembourg-City in the evening.
How to come
Luxembourg City can be easily reached by car (highways from Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg), by train (connections with Trier, Koblenz, Köln, Bruxelles, Paris etc) or by plane (Luxembourg Airport). Transfer from Luxembourg to Remich (20 km East of Luxembourg) can be arranged for participants coming by train or plane.
Schedule for abstract submission and registration
- May, 30: Abstract submission
- May, 30: Early birds registration
- June, 5: Information concerning the acceptance of abstracts
- June, 30: Registration for communication presenters
- July, 31: End of registration
Special Issue in Boreas
A special issue is planned for papers presented during the FLAG 2012. Guest editors will be Dominique Harmand, David Bridgland, Jef Vandenberghe and Stephane Cordier. We have an agreement of principle for a publication in the journal „Boreas‟, which is a reference journal for Quaternary research. More information about the journal can be found here.
The proposed theme for the special issue is: “Fluvial landscapes as a reflection of long-term environmental changes”
To secure the realization of such a special issue we are requested to provide a preliminary list of paper titles. Original papers dealing with Quaternary to Holocene fluvial evolution in relation to external and internal forcings and to human societies would be welcome, as well as methodological contributions (modeling, chronostratigraphy etc). The papers should be submitted during autumn 2012, for a publication in late 2013 after the normal peer-reviewing procedure.
Supported by the National Research Fund, Luxembourg

Meeting documents:
External link:
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